Friday, February 18, 2011

Getting started...

I meet a friend at the gym a while ago...we got to talking and she told me that she and her husband had blogged about their weight lose.  And that it had helped them.  Because they had something else to be accountable to. 
I have been thinking about it a lot since then, and decided that I needed to do something like that.  I am not able to do it on my own.  I need something else to be accountable to, besides myself.
It seems like over the past few months, I have gained almost 10 pounds.  That is so bad.  I know that my life has had a few bad bumps since excuse!  If I want to have a qualilty of life and not worry about my health, I need to do something about it.  And maybe with my example and food choices, Mark will also be able to get his body into shape. 
I am blessed that I am a morning person, and can get up out of bed and be off to do a hundred things.  Were as Mark is not a morning person and does good to get off to work and that is it in the mornings.  (Well we say our prayers and read our scriptures in the morning...)  But, he can't go exercise, he tells me he just can't do that.  And his evenings are really busy with church work.  He has to walk on his lunch at work.  That has to be his time. 
I am going to really honest with my weight on here.  I know that my weight has shocked me, I am sure that it will shock others reading this blog too.  I am going to keep track of everything that I put into my mouth, that will probably be a shock to be too.  You don't really think about what goes into your mouth unless you write everything down.  I am going to make some changes in what we eat for snacks.  I am going to learn to like having veggies and fruit for snacks.  And after you eat them so much, you will like them...or even have some favorites.  I want to be heathly.  I know some of the changes that I need to make in my diet, I will learn as I go.  Cut out processed sugars, (that is going to be hard...I really like it.)
February 18, 2011
Weight:  190.2  (That is up 2 oz. from a couple of days ago...see what I mean)
Exercise:  Rode the bike at the gym for 45 minutes, need to push it up to 1 hour.  (That is something I need to work out, to be able to get 1 hour of exercise in each day and still be able to get home and get ready for work and be at work on time.  That means that I need to have my lunch and breakfast ready the night before, so I can just shower and leave for work each day.  I can do that!)
Friday food:
Breakfast:  6 grain hot ceral, 2 TBL honey, 1 1/2 cups 1% milk