Friday, December 13, 2013

Trying to get back on track...

It has been a couple of years since I posted on this blog.  I really need to be accountable so I don't keep slipping up on my eating.  And this of time of year, it is going to be really hard. 
I think the most frustrating thing to me is that I have gained back 9 pounds since the beginning of October.  I was on vacation most of the month, and also took a vacation from eating good also.  I was down to do the math.  So frustrating to have to keep losing the same 10 pounds over and over again.
I have decided to start posting what I eat each day, maybe that will help me to not eat so much junk, if I have to report it to someone.
Dec 11th, Breakfast:  9 grain hot cereal with brown sugar, 1% milk.
Lunch:  Green salad, Salmon, fresh pineapple, strawberries, banana
Dinner:  Beef stroganoff (from Unconventional Kitchen), green salad.
And about 10 of the mini candy bars.  (I could not stop eating them!)
Dec 12th, Breakfast:  9 grain hot cereal with brown sugar, 1% milk.
Lunch:  Green salad, Salmon, fresh pineapple, strawberries, banana
Dinner:  Lean hamburger steak, green salad, pork and beans, 1% milk
Snacks:  grapefruit,  fresh pineapple, strawberries, banana