Sunday, August 24, 2014

How I am doing...

MaryAnn came up a few weeks ago and told us about some protein shakes that she was taking to help her get rid of the extra weight that she gained last year.  It is called Uncity.  Mark and I started taking it about 1 1/2 weeks ago.  I thought I was going to die a couple of times the first 2 days.  Once from the green stuff that you take in the morning.  And the next day from hunger.  But, I survived, and now I think for the most part I am doing ok with it. 
The first week I think I lost about 4 inches over all.  And about 4 pounds.  I was sick most of the first week, with a bad stomach.  I could not figure out why I was so bloated all the time.  Then, it hit me.  It was the milk that I was drinking with protein shakes.  I made me some almond milk that day, and ever since I have felt wonderful!  I think Mark was thinking that I was a little sick in the head, complaining that I had a stomach ache all the time.  But, now I feel wonderful.  After 2 weeks of having a shake for breakfast and lunch, and a good dinner, then you just have the shake for breakfast and a good lunch and dinner.  I can handle that.  I am excited.  For the first time in I can't tell you how many years, I am in the 160's.  167.2 as of yesterday.  So, happy to be there!
The training for the triathlon has been going good.  I am ready for it.  The first one is just a week away.  I am a little scared, never done anything like this before.  And I will be doing this one, all by myself.  But, I am so excited for it.  Mark will be at the finish line waiting for me. 
I will post, after it with pictures.  Because that is so much a part of My Journey to Health.