Friday, June 26, 2015

Checking in..

It is June 2015...where has time gone to?
I am still struggling to get a hold of my weight, doing exercise and eating the right foods.  For the most part we are doing that.  We slip up every so often, but, I think we are doing good most of the time. 
I have did 2 Triathalons last year.  That was fun.  And it kept me training to be in good enough shape to do them.  One was in Bountiful the other one in St. George.  Loved it! 
This spring a did a 10K race in Kanab.  MaryAnn, Bryant, Addie, Jake, Clay and Scott did it also.  First time for Scott, he came in 3rd in his age group.  Clay took 1st in his age group, Jake took 2nd in his age group.  It was so good to do.  I did not come in last, and that is all I was worried about.  It was a freezing cold day.  When I was finishing, it started to rain.  It took me about 1 1/2 hours to complete.  I know that I can do hard things.  It was another thing on my bucket list to do.  I would like to do it again.
I did injure my hamstring on the race.  It took a couple of weeks not to hurt anymore.  I didn't even know where the hamstring muscle was.  I do now! 
I need to sign up for some more races, so I will force myself to get out there and train.  I feel like I have become lazy, it seems like every time I do something, I get injured just a little bit, and it takes a couple of weeks to heal up.  Then I am out of the habit of exercising, so I need to get back into it.
Mark & I have been trying a new diet.  It is called:  The Fat Resistance Diet.  It is amazing.  You make all your own food.  It is all whole foods.  Lots of veggies, fruit and a little meat.  Just what you are supposed to eat.  It gives you a menu to go by.  The first couple of weeks, it gives your body a reboot from the junk and sugar that you have been eating.  And by the time you finish up with the 6 week menu, you should be doing pretty good.  We have each lost about 10 pounds.  And feeling pretty good.