Saturday, March 12, 2011

March 12, 2011...

I didn't lose any weight this week.  I stayed the same 185.2.  I guess that is good, at least I didn't gain any weight.  Still a little disappointed that I didn't even lose an ounce.
Let me see, I had a few warm chocolate chip cookies yesterday when Gwyn and I made them.  They where good going down.  Then I hurt my hip at work this last week, and it scared me so bad.  I felt it 'pop' and I felt a 'pop' when I broke my leg.  I cried for a long time, and felt sorry for myself the rest of the day.  I ate chocolate and fast food and and ice cream bar.  So, lets think...hmmmm that could be why I didn't lose any weight this week. 
I need be stronger emotionally.  And not buckle into eating chocolate or ice cream to make me feel better.  Get up off my rear and exercise, that is the best medicine for being down emotionally.
I went to the trainer at the gym yesterday and told Nic that I needed some exercises to strengthen my knees.  He gave me 3 exercises that I can do at home.  So, I can work harder at them.  But, it scared me that using the bad leg, I have no strength what so ever.  My leg shakes and cann't bend just standing on the leg and bend it.  I am wondering if I need to go back to the doctor and see if that is normal.  Maybe I can just call him and see if I need to come and talk or if they can just tell me over the phone.  I can bend just fine on the other leg. 
And I thought my leg was getting really strong.  It is better than it was...just has a long ways to go.
I have been riding the bike every day for 45-60 minutes averaging at least 5 days a week.  It feels good to exercise, I can acually say I enjoy it.  And the day is not as good as it can be when I don't exercise in the morning.  Never, Never thought I would ever day that.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Checking in....March 4, 2011

Ok, so starting a blog and then getting really sick, did nothing for the eating better and keeping track.  It did help with weight lose.  Because I didn't eat for 4 days I lost a few pounds, then I started to feel better, gained a couple of pounds back...what a yoyo.
I weighted in this morning after exercise.  185.2  I am excited about that!  My goal right now is to get below 180...I haven't seen that for really long time.  Then I will set a new goal.
And I am going to be better about keeping track of my food intake.  I am beginning to feel better, still not all the way better.  But, I have gone back to the gym, and that is important.
Over this past week, I have only missed 1 day and have been trying to get at least 45 minutes.  I need to step up the intensity on the bike, I usually have it at a 3 and it is getting easy for me.  I went for 1 hour today.  It felt so good!