Friday, March 4, 2011

Checking in....March 4, 2011

Ok, so starting a blog and then getting really sick, did nothing for the eating better and keeping track.  It did help with weight lose.  Because I didn't eat for 4 days I lost a few pounds, then I started to feel better, gained a couple of pounds back...what a yoyo.
I weighted in this morning after exercise.  185.2  I am excited about that!  My goal right now is to get below 180...I haven't seen that for really long time.  Then I will set a new goal.
And I am going to be better about keeping track of my food intake.  I am beginning to feel better, still not all the way better.  But, I have gone back to the gym, and that is important.
Over this past week, I have only missed 1 day and have been trying to get at least 45 minutes.  I need to step up the intensity on the bike, I usually have it at a 3 and it is getting easy for me.  I went for 1 hour today.  It felt so good!

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