Saturday, April 12, 2014

Getting back on track...

I started a new challenge on April 1, 2014 with the IHC, called 'My Heart Challenge, at home'.  I weighted in for the challenge at 187.0 (with all my clothes and shoes on.)  It was funny the nurse that weighted me me asked if I wanted to take off my shoes.  I said no, I already weighted myself at home, so I would not be to depressed when I weighted in here. 
This morning I weighted in at 184.0.  I haven't lost 1 pound since last week.  What am I doing wrong?  I have been tracking my food, tracking my steps, and tracking my exercise.  Ok, lets think...what can I do better?  I need to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night.  I get up at 4 every day so I can exercise before we go to the pool.  (I am trying to learn how to swim the proper way so I can do a triathalon this fall in St. George.) 
Here is to another day.  I have already done the Biggest Loser DVD for 30 minutes today.  Hopefully I can work out in the yard for awhile today.  And get some more exercise in.  My body is really sore from changing up my exercise.  I was just doing the 3 mile power walk, it was getting boring, so I changed it up.  Glad that I did, cuz these other DVD's are kicking my butt.

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