Friday, June 26, 2015

Checking in..

It is June 2015...where has time gone to?
I am still struggling to get a hold of my weight, doing exercise and eating the right foods.  For the most part we are doing that.  We slip up every so often, but, I think we are doing good most of the time. 
I have did 2 Triathalons last year.  That was fun.  And it kept me training to be in good enough shape to do them.  One was in Bountiful the other one in St. George.  Loved it! 
This spring a did a 10K race in Kanab.  MaryAnn, Bryant, Addie, Jake, Clay and Scott did it also.  First time for Scott, he came in 3rd in his age group.  Clay took 1st in his age group, Jake took 2nd in his age group.  It was so good to do.  I did not come in last, and that is all I was worried about.  It was a freezing cold day.  When I was finishing, it started to rain.  It took me about 1 1/2 hours to complete.  I know that I can do hard things.  It was another thing on my bucket list to do.  I would like to do it again.
I did injure my hamstring on the race.  It took a couple of weeks not to hurt anymore.  I didn't even know where the hamstring muscle was.  I do now! 
I need to sign up for some more races, so I will force myself to get out there and train.  I feel like I have become lazy, it seems like every time I do something, I get injured just a little bit, and it takes a couple of weeks to heal up.  Then I am out of the habit of exercising, so I need to get back into it.
Mark & I have been trying a new diet.  It is called:  The Fat Resistance Diet.  It is amazing.  You make all your own food.  It is all whole foods.  Lots of veggies, fruit and a little meat.  Just what you are supposed to eat.  It gives you a menu to go by.  The first couple of weeks, it gives your body a reboot from the junk and sugar that you have been eating.  And by the time you finish up with the 6 week menu, you should be doing pretty good.  We have each lost about 10 pounds.  And feeling pretty good.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

How I am doing...

MaryAnn came up a few weeks ago and told us about some protein shakes that she was taking to help her get rid of the extra weight that she gained last year.  It is called Uncity.  Mark and I started taking it about 1 1/2 weeks ago.  I thought I was going to die a couple of times the first 2 days.  Once from the green stuff that you take in the morning.  And the next day from hunger.  But, I survived, and now I think for the most part I am doing ok with it. 
The first week I think I lost about 4 inches over all.  And about 4 pounds.  I was sick most of the first week, with a bad stomach.  I could not figure out why I was so bloated all the time.  Then, it hit me.  It was the milk that I was drinking with protein shakes.  I made me some almond milk that day, and ever since I have felt wonderful!  I think Mark was thinking that I was a little sick in the head, complaining that I had a stomach ache all the time.  But, now I feel wonderful.  After 2 weeks of having a shake for breakfast and lunch, and a good dinner, then you just have the shake for breakfast and a good lunch and dinner.  I can handle that.  I am excited.  For the first time in I can't tell you how many years, I am in the 160's.  167.2 as of yesterday.  So, happy to be there!
The training for the triathlon has been going good.  I am ready for it.  The first one is just a week away.  I am a little scared, never done anything like this before.  And I will be doing this one, all by myself.  But, I am so excited for it.  Mark will be at the finish line waiting for me. 
I will post, after it with pictures.  Because that is so much a part of My Journey to Health. 

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Getting back on track...

I started a new challenge on April 1, 2014 with the IHC, called 'My Heart Challenge, at home'.  I weighted in for the challenge at 187.0 (with all my clothes and shoes on.)  It was funny the nurse that weighted me me asked if I wanted to take off my shoes.  I said no, I already weighted myself at home, so I would not be to depressed when I weighted in here. 
This morning I weighted in at 184.0.  I haven't lost 1 pound since last week.  What am I doing wrong?  I have been tracking my food, tracking my steps, and tracking my exercise.  Ok, lets think...what can I do better?  I need to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night.  I get up at 4 every day so I can exercise before we go to the pool.  (I am trying to learn how to swim the proper way so I can do a triathalon this fall in St. George.) 
Here is to another day.  I have already done the Biggest Loser DVD for 30 minutes today.  Hopefully I can work out in the yard for awhile today.  And get some more exercise in.  My body is really sore from changing up my exercise.  I was just doing the 3 mile power walk, it was getting boring, so I changed it up.  Glad that I did, cuz these other DVD's are kicking my butt.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Trying to get back on track...

It has been a couple of years since I posted on this blog.  I really need to be accountable so I don't keep slipping up on my eating.  And this of time of year, it is going to be really hard. 
I think the most frustrating thing to me is that I have gained back 9 pounds since the beginning of October.  I was on vacation most of the month, and also took a vacation from eating good also.  I was down to do the math.  So frustrating to have to keep losing the same 10 pounds over and over again.
I have decided to start posting what I eat each day, maybe that will help me to not eat so much junk, if I have to report it to someone.
Dec 11th, Breakfast:  9 grain hot cereal with brown sugar, 1% milk.
Lunch:  Green salad, Salmon, fresh pineapple, strawberries, banana
Dinner:  Beef stroganoff (from Unconventional Kitchen), green salad.
And about 10 of the mini candy bars.  (I could not stop eating them!)
Dec 12th, Breakfast:  9 grain hot cereal with brown sugar, 1% milk.
Lunch:  Green salad, Salmon, fresh pineapple, strawberries, banana
Dinner:  Lean hamburger steak, green salad, pork and beans, 1% milk
Snacks:  grapefruit,  fresh pineapple, strawberries, banana

Saturday, March 12, 2011

March 12, 2011...

I didn't lose any weight this week.  I stayed the same 185.2.  I guess that is good, at least I didn't gain any weight.  Still a little disappointed that I didn't even lose an ounce.
Let me see, I had a few warm chocolate chip cookies yesterday when Gwyn and I made them.  They where good going down.  Then I hurt my hip at work this last week, and it scared me so bad.  I felt it 'pop' and I felt a 'pop' when I broke my leg.  I cried for a long time, and felt sorry for myself the rest of the day.  I ate chocolate and fast food and and ice cream bar.  So, lets think...hmmmm that could be why I didn't lose any weight this week. 
I need be stronger emotionally.  And not buckle into eating chocolate or ice cream to make me feel better.  Get up off my rear and exercise, that is the best medicine for being down emotionally.
I went to the trainer at the gym yesterday and told Nic that I needed some exercises to strengthen my knees.  He gave me 3 exercises that I can do at home.  So, I can work harder at them.  But, it scared me that using the bad leg, I have no strength what so ever.  My leg shakes and cann't bend just standing on the leg and bend it.  I am wondering if I need to go back to the doctor and see if that is normal.  Maybe I can just call him and see if I need to come and talk or if they can just tell me over the phone.  I can bend just fine on the other leg. 
And I thought my leg was getting really strong.  It is better than it was...just has a long ways to go.
I have been riding the bike every day for 45-60 minutes averaging at least 5 days a week.  It feels good to exercise, I can acually say I enjoy it.  And the day is not as good as it can be when I don't exercise in the morning.  Never, Never thought I would ever day that.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Checking in....March 4, 2011

Ok, so starting a blog and then getting really sick, did nothing for the eating better and keeping track.  It did help with weight lose.  Because I didn't eat for 4 days I lost a few pounds, then I started to feel better, gained a couple of pounds back...what a yoyo.
I weighted in this morning after exercise.  185.2  I am excited about that!  My goal right now is to get below 180...I haven't seen that for really long time.  Then I will set a new goal.
And I am going to be better about keeping track of my food intake.  I am beginning to feel better, still not all the way better.  But, I have gone back to the gym, and that is important.
Over this past week, I have only missed 1 day and have been trying to get at least 45 minutes.  I need to step up the intensity on the bike, I usually have it at a 3 and it is getting easy for me.  I went for 1 hour today.  It felt so good!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Getting started...

I meet a friend at the gym a while ago...we got to talking and she told me that she and her husband had blogged about their weight lose.  And that it had helped them.  Because they had something else to be accountable to. 
I have been thinking about it a lot since then, and decided that I needed to do something like that.  I am not able to do it on my own.  I need something else to be accountable to, besides myself.
It seems like over the past few months, I have gained almost 10 pounds.  That is so bad.  I know that my life has had a few bad bumps since excuse!  If I want to have a qualilty of life and not worry about my health, I need to do something about it.  And maybe with my example and food choices, Mark will also be able to get his body into shape. 
I am blessed that I am a morning person, and can get up out of bed and be off to do a hundred things.  Were as Mark is not a morning person and does good to get off to work and that is it in the mornings.  (Well we say our prayers and read our scriptures in the morning...)  But, he can't go exercise, he tells me he just can't do that.  And his evenings are really busy with church work.  He has to walk on his lunch at work.  That has to be his time. 
I am going to really honest with my weight on here.  I know that my weight has shocked me, I am sure that it will shock others reading this blog too.  I am going to keep track of everything that I put into my mouth, that will probably be a shock to be too.  You don't really think about what goes into your mouth unless you write everything down.  I am going to make some changes in what we eat for snacks.  I am going to learn to like having veggies and fruit for snacks.  And after you eat them so much, you will like them...or even have some favorites.  I want to be heathly.  I know some of the changes that I need to make in my diet, I will learn as I go.  Cut out processed sugars, (that is going to be hard...I really like it.)
February 18, 2011
Weight:  190.2  (That is up 2 oz. from a couple of days ago...see what I mean)
Exercise:  Rode the bike at the gym for 45 minutes, need to push it up to 1 hour.  (That is something I need to work out, to be able to get 1 hour of exercise in each day and still be able to get home and get ready for work and be at work on time.  That means that I need to have my lunch and breakfast ready the night before, so I can just shower and leave for work each day.  I can do that!)
Friday food:
Breakfast:  6 grain hot ceral, 2 TBL honey, 1 1/2 cups 1% milk